

This scrollytelling application presents trends and analysis on Russia and China as third party signatories in international/national peace agreements contained in PA-X Peace Agreements Database version 8 (1990-2023). Select an actor using the drop down in the header, and scroll along the left side of your screen to display the next chapter. Skip to a specific part of the story using the icons along the left. The stories provide an overview of temporal trends and comparisons to other members of the UN Security Council, trends of the actors involvement by stage of process, and the geographical spread of their involvement as a third party to peace agreements. For more on PA-X fields and definitions, see PA-X Codebook

Textual Analysis by Mateja Peter, PeaceRep (University of St Andrews)
Visualization by Tomas Vancisin, PeaceRep (University of Edinburgh)
Data Preparation by Niamh Henry, PeaceRep (University of Edinburgh)

Sanja Badanjak and Niamh Henry, Third Parties in Peace Agreements Dataset (2024), PeaceRep (University of Edinburgh) [Forthcoming]

Peace Processes



Activity Range
Uni Logo Uni Logo Uni Logo Uni Logo Uni Logo Uni Logo
Agreements Timeline

Agreement Stages

Comparison of Agreement Stages
